IPFacts.net automatically collects aggregated information from your browser or device when you access the website. None of this information is personally identifying, and IPFacts.net has no ability to create any kind of personalized profile based on your viewing of the site.
IPFacts.net does use cookies and local storage for traffic monitoring purposes. These are small files that collect bits of data and store them as character strings to optimize the end user's experience for future visits. Most browsers are optimized to automatically accept cookies. If you do not wish for your browser to store any of this information, almost all commercially available browsers do have an option to block cookies.
From time to time, IPFacts will make use of third-party services such as Google Analytics to monitor traffic acquisition and behavior. Google Analytics can be opted out of by using this tool.
IPFacts.net contains links to other websites, and we cannot ensure that every website we link to is diligent in ensuring that reasonable privacy-protection measures have been taken in the design and upkeep of their site. IPFacts.net cannot be held responsible for any breaches of privacy that may occur when visiting outside sites. Ensure that all sites you visit have a reasonable, common-sense privacy and cookies policy.